We welcome, incorporate, and encourage a variety of pathways for social support, including evidence-based programs, SMART Recovery, and Wellbriety. Clients are introduced to a variety of pathways, both secular and spiritual, to provide them with a well-rounded understanding of the different programs available, respecting each individual’s journey toward recovery.
Our Treatments Facilities & Centers
Addiction Treatment Center with a focus on underlying issues like mental health. We offer holistic, compassionate, and evidence-based programs.
My name is Courtney S, and I am 28 years old. I am an enrolled Blackfeet tribal member and recovering addict and alcoholic. On January 17th, 2024, I checked myself into RCM, Recovery Centers of Montana, Woman’s Facility in Martin City, MT. I decided that when I moved back from Kansas at the beginning of January, back to Montana, that it was my time to get sober again from drinking. I was slowly killing myself and making myself sick to the point where I even had to endure alcohol withdrawal before I drove 24 hours back to Montana. Time to get myself right again I said to myself before calling my parents for their assistance to get me back to Montana. Last year in June, I made the decision to move from Montana to Kansas and on the way there, I received a DUI in South Dakota, and despite getting a DUI, I still chose to drink and further my addiction for the worst.
I can’t lie and say that I wasn’t scared when I was preparing to go into RCM for 30 days, I was terrified even. I knew that I was admitting to myself once again that I relapsed and I had to start my sobriety all over, once again. The hard truth I had to face, it was right in front of me. I am clean from meth use and will be 6 years clean on March 8th, 2024. Drinking is a huge problem in my life. Needless to say, putting myself through a 30 day inpatient program at RCM was the best decision I could’ve made for myself! RCM and all the peer support and LAC’s helped me immensely overcome my fears and start to dig deep into the “why” I am an addict today and why I struggle with my past. They made it such a safe place where we were comforted at the door and greeted cheerfully by all of the other ladies in the program as well. The Diversity of the Native culture that was shared amongst us, was quite welcoming, and it made me proud to be Native and included in such a wonderful treatment facility. I have been to one other inpatient program in my life and that wasn’t as helpful as RCM was to me. The amount of help and being able to talk and have the counselors and LAC’s listen thoroughly and understand what I have been through without any judgment on their part was so real and so raw. The opposite of addiction is CONNECTION! That is one phrase that stood out to me the most through RCM and it is so true. You absolutely have to stay connected once your time at RCM is over with. AA and NA meetings, sponsors, mental health counselors, sober friends, healthy family connections and support groups! One big thing that RCM helps with too, is to get you into IOP, an intensive outpatient program through CCS Montana which is counseling services, and drug and alcohol classes online if you are not located in the Helena area. It is a 13 week program where you even get to enjoy the company of some of your fellow RCM mates! And not to mention the amount of amazing food that you get served and even bingo night once a week to let some steam off and have fun while working hard on your recovery! I would suggest RCM to anyone who asks me! Addiction is scary, but to me, recovery is more scary because you have to work everyday of your life to strive for better and always keep yourself guarded with healthy boundaries. We will never overcome the discomfort if we don’t try, right? It may be scary, but it is sure worth having my life back and a better future and many more years to live, along with the trust I have gained back from my family and the smiles and the “I’m so proud of you”s. I continue to work hard every single day to keep my sobriety and fight for my recovery for myself. Since I have gotten out of RCM in February,
I have finished my 13 weeks of IOP through Montana Counseling Services, I have helped my mom build up and open a thrift store, and I can proudly say I have accomplished my gps monitoring and 24/7 monitoring bracelets and paid for them with my own money. I get to spend time with my nephew who I missed a lot of his first year of life in this World, I have gotten a special connection back with my siblings and friends and I wake up no longer sick from alcohol withdrawal, all which I wouldn’t be able to do if I was still under the influence of my addiction. I thank my Higher Power on the daily and attend church and stay in connection with my counselor and sponsor and sober healthy friends with strong boundaries I have learned to put in place. Life is good, life is great, and God is better. He held my hand through this and so did RCM, and I can’t be more grateful for the beautiful outcome that keeps flourishing.
My thanks and gratitude go out to everyone involved with rcm Columbia falls. I graduated this program, and I take with me a plentiful toolbox full of all of the information and knowledge and spiritual guidance I couldn't have asked for such a gift. The l.a.c's and mental health counselors there are 💯. The entire staff at "the ranch" truly care and it shows. The case managers on staff are amazing and helped me get my life and affairs back in order top to bottom without missing a beat. Shout out to the chef as well! I'm going to meetings now that 'm home and I'm comfortable staying clean and sober with the knowledge of how this beast of addiction works in our brains and our lives. Thank you so much rcm.
The love I felt from this place can’t be expressed in words! They care and want people to be successful! They put your recovery in your hands which is right where it should be! Thank you RCM for helping me turn my life around!!
RCM changed my life. I will be forever grateful. The time we got outdoors and the freedom we have really weeds out the people who arent ready to get better. I truly believe this is unlike any other place in Montana. The owners are amazing they try really hard to make sure we have fun along with all of our treatment. They treat their employees well and I will always have a special place in my heart for RCM
Absolutely beautiful area!
I wanted to reach out because you changed my life at the Martin City location. I have 16 months of sobriety. I'm in college for social work. My dream is to come back and work for you guys someday when I meet the sobriety requirements. Thank you so much for changing my life, RCM is unlike any other. Also if the Bible study lady, Cindy, still visits, maybe you could tell her that I said "thank you" and I still read the book she gave me every day. Take care, and thanks again Dwight!
My name is Tara and i would like to share a lil bit about myself. I've been using since I was 13 years old, and ya I've had times of sobriety but never more than 5 years. I've been to numerous treatments mainly D.O.C ones. I just couldn't get the hang of it or i would get bored with it and felt I needed to block out life or I needed friends or whatever the excuse was at the time but since I've been to RCM oh man has life changed, first off I've never felt more comfortable with all the staff as I was at RCM,it's so different there, and by that I've actually decided to work on the root of the problems whether it be I want it or I'm tired of the same shit or I know what kind of aquantiences really come around or whatever the case may be... i was willing to let myself hear and feel what was going on there, and when you can finally put your guard down and retain the knowledge the staff there are giving you even your peers, listen to the feed back be honest and mainly with yourself. I've been clean for a year now, I've had my slips tho it's not all roses, drugs are real and so is your addiction and that's fine, it's what you do after the slip that matters. Think about it you don't live in a bubble of sobriety, you know people, you meet new people, and most of them don't give 2 fucks what's going on in your life or if your sober so there's where that CHOICE comes to play, ok so yep i used, it happened so fast but I didn't stay and keep doing more, heck no I left and called my sober support, and then I came down went to sleep woke up and didn't NEED it! It's easy if you choose to let it go right away, the more you do the harder it is to quit. You have to change your whole mindset, and daily life but soon the sober life will be your normal and you won't even realize it. Don't forget where you've been but don't open that chapter back up. Remember where you were what you've been thru, but leave it at that! Life is not rainbows and unicorns sober either but the choices you choose to deal with are much easier to understand and navigate. The struggle is still real! And you can just choose to deal with them different. Look, I have a drivers licence for the 1st time in my life, I have my own car,insurance, I have a 3 bedroom apartment, i can hold a job for longer than 2 weeks, I'm currently enrolled in college at University of Montana, for legal studies I'll be a paralegal in about a year and as I'm working as a paralegal I'll continue college until I am an attorney. It's amazing. Never once, a year ago did I plan to enroll in college in legal studies of all things. But I kinda got a knack for it and so ima chase this dream and keep knocking them dreams out 1 by 1 and so can you just don't give up and know that if you relapse it's not the end just choose not to keep relapsing. You've made it this far... it's possible believe me. I got faith in myself, life is HARD,I get it... but it's harder if you choose to make it harder.
Thank you,
Please join our Alumni groups if you or a loved one has been to our facilities, this is a great for individuals to feel supported and know they are not alone on their recovery journey
Men's Facility - The Ranch
390 Hodgson Road Columbia Falls, MT 59912
Women's Facility - The Lodge
9549 US Route 2 Martin City, MT 59926
At Recovery Centers of Montana, we provide the highest quality eye care to all our patients. Schedule your appointment today.
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